The contact is Carolyn, Saxony Animal Clinic, Sarver PA 16055,
Phone is 724-352-4250
Hello All,
The other paralyzed dachie, Mattie, found a rescue, now we have Parker
that needs a place to go. Carolyn called me this morning, and Parker is
still in need. I'm sending this to a number of groups and people in
case someone knows someone that can assist.
He is estimated to be 4 years old/ 12 pounds/ red/ smooth/ unaltered.
This is a small rural clinic without the resources for a mylogram or
neurosurgical evaluation. They did an x-ray which showed trauma in L5-6
and L6-7. He showed no deep pain sensation and is incontinent. He has
had Dexamethasone injections, August 10th-16th, and has showed no signs
of pain at all. They are sling-walking him, and he is happy and
The contact is Carolyn, Saxony Animal Clinic, Sarver PA 16055,
Phone is 724-352-4250. This is about an hour north of me and I'd help
with transport, even for this Holiday weekend, if necessary.
Ann Fanto
Coast to Coast Dachshund Rescue
Western PA
724-953-6239 Cell
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