All within just the last month I've learned that my Pug, Shorty, needs both spinal surgery and bladder stone surgery. I'm still paying for the emergency room vet bill for another Pug, Morty, that I lost last September, so money is tight. I started fund raising when I found out about the bladder surgery, knowing I didn't have the $$ for it, then I got the news about the spinal surgery, which has to be done first before they'll do the other one. It's also 5 to 10X more expensive. I took on cleaning 2 houses, sold things online, I'm sewing Pug quilts, Pug-fabric appliance covers, dog clothes, dog blankets, sports team blankets & quilts. I haven't solidified my latest idea, but I'm working with a couple of local bars/restaurants about holding casual fund-raising "parties" in which I invite people into their establishment. The business either donates food for a buffet, in which case the staff is donating a % of their tips, or people gamble or purchase beverages, or they have dinner, in which case the business donates a % of the sales. My "party" is income for the business that wouldn't otherwise be realized, nor would the staff be receiving the tips from the guests. I will also be having a small "auction table" in which there will be donated items that people can bid on, and a table of items that I made that can be purchased.
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