Saturday, January 05, 2008

Dog with intervertabral disc disease needs a home

SUzy - ID#A919925

My name is Susie and I am a spayed female, black and brown German Shepherd Dog.

The shelter thinks I am about 11 years old.

I have been at the shelter since Dec 28, 2007.

Dragging her hind legs due to inervertabral disc disease. She has
sensation in her legs so our VET thinks she will improve with acupuncture. She is sweet but approach slowly

Anna Hernandez
N.Central Animal Care Center
3201 Lacy St.
Los Angeles, CA 90031
Cell - 213 - 305- 4096
Fax- 213- 847- 0555

Friday, January 04, 2008

Donations needed to help fix Emmie-the-cat's teeth!


adopted cat Emmie has a condition called stomatitis. Her immune system
is eating away at her teeth and it is extremely painful for her. She
has trouble eating and has lost weight as a result. Regrettably, the
only real treatment is to extract all of the teeth from her canines
back. We've already tried two or three courses of antibiotics, and none
of them had any effect. Recently I had to pay $850 to a collection
agency for something my roommate did to avoid going to court since my
name was also on the lease. That money would have been used for Emmie's
treatment. Her sister Sherbie had the same condition, and same
treatment, two years ago. Within a few days Sherbie was back to eating
her usual dry food with no problems and has actually gained weight.
Sherbie's procedure cost $550.

At this point in time I prepare Emmie's food separately by running
her dry food through a coffee grinder to pulverize it, then I add a
pouch of Meow Mix wet food, The Missing Link supplement powder,
KittyVite vitamin paste, CatMilk if I have any, and water. She would
prefer to just eat the Meow Mix pouches, but I need to stretch them
this way to make them last. Since my father died from lung cancer I
have been unemployed and getting treatment for depression. I've
returned to school to finish my degree, but I am on a very limited
income (about $7000/year) and am receiving Food Stamps. I had been
using my credit cards to make up the differences, but I can't afford to
make the payments anymore on $15,000 in credit card debt.

I am actually looking for part-time work while I'm in school but so
far have not had any success. I don't like being in this position, I
don't like feeling like a charity case, and it is embarrassing to admit
to anyone that I am in this situation. However, Emmie needs help pretty
urgently. I don't qualify for Care Credit since I don't have a job, and
I know the operation is going to be expensive. I don't want to give up
my cats, who are like my babies to me, because sometimes, with my
depression, they are all that keep me going day-to-day.

Please help if you can, even if it's just a couple of dollars. If
the minimum amount isn't met in 25 days, the collection is null and
void and you owe nothing. Right now I am collecting pledges, NOT money.
$35 is the fee to the Fundable website if the minimum is reached.

Buddy needs donations for surgical repair of broken leg


This is Buddy rescued personally by me on Jan. 1, 2007. Buddy is a
chocolate lab under 1 year of age. Buddy darted across a road and was
hit on the back end by a car. The driver of the car got out checked her
car and got back in and drove away. She left Buddy in the middle of the
road while other cars zoomed by. We brought Buddy to my house and
called animal control. Upon their arrival I was informed that Buddy
would be put to sleep if they were to take him so I opted to adopt him.
(All resources were used to find Buddy's natural owners with no luck.)
I took Buddy to the vet for xrays to find the extent of the damage. His
back right leg as been broken in 2 seperate places. One of the breaks
is close to the body and completely separated the other at the growth
plate which caused the bones to shift a little. Buddy will need to have
surgery including placing a plate in the leg to hold the bones together
for healing. With this surgery and lots of love Buddy will recover and
grow to become a healthy and happy dog. Buddy is friendly to children,
adults and other animals even after the surgery.

THE SURGERY'S COST START AT $2000 so I am trying to raise a small
percentage to help with this unexpected expense. Any amount above and
beyond will greatly be helpful and appreciated. I have to have him back
to the vet within a week and a half to have the surgery performed
before the bone starts to heal the way that it is broken. He is being
seen by a vet in Goose Creek, South Carolina. All fund will be going
straight to this vet for the cost of restoring Buddy's health.



Thursday, January 03, 2008


This is Gol A914901 he is about 9 years old and like a Benji. He was turned in by his owner because they were moving to an apartment and could not keep him. He is head shy because of the blindness but is friendly once he trust you. He is about 57 pounds and is very nice and handsome.

If you can help, please call the West Valley Animal Care and Control Center
(818) 756-9325

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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

BEBE,ARK - MEDICAL donations needed for injured DOG

IMMEDIATE donations needed for injured and
terrified Beebe AC (ARK) dog - PLEASE SUPPORT HIM!

Toivo (Toy-voh), a masculine, Finnish name
that means hope, arrived at Beebe AC prior to Christmas. He was brought
in as a stray, riddled by the head/neck ailment shown below. At the time
he arrived, ACO labeled him feral, dog friendly and people aggressive based on
his own interaction with the dog. During my first visit to the shelter
on the 26th of December, I noted that this scrawny, male dog, happily settled
in with a friendly male Beagle he adores, tentatively came up to his
cage door to sniff at my hand as well as that of the local kennel
director. On Friday, I photographed all of the new urgents at Beebe AC,
and am currently in the process of developing a new rescue plea (should be
published late Sunday night, 30 December). A different ACO let Toivo out
of his pen and in to the shelter yard, where he promptly hid himself on a
table ledge. Over a 45 minute period of time, I remained near this dog,
observing his actions and allowing him to come near me (via the edge of the
table ledge) when he chose, and touched him gently on the side of his face
numerous times. By the end of the photo session, all dogs were put back
in to the heated metal building except for Toivo. It was clear that he would
have to be put back in his pen. I took a breath, reached out, put each
of my hands on the boy's sides and after a few minutes, began to pull him
toward me. He yielded to my arms and let me gingerly carry him back
to his pen as he lay paralyzed with fear.
assessment - NOT feral at all...rather extremely frightened and in pain.

Numerous observations lead to a general
assessment that this dog has been repeatedly beaten in the past. He is
malnourished and carrying the burden of an unknown injury or ailment at the
rear of his head/top of neck. We are asking you to help us get this dog to the
local vet for x-rays and a thorough examination in order to determine what we
are dealing with.

If you can help by donating, please do! If
you are unable to donate $$$ at this time, please support this emergency
treatment plea by passing it along to those you think might be able to assist.

Donations are needed immediately.

Our paypal ID
is: (at

(Ygroup Cross-post readers ---->
the_beebe_fund @ ruraldogs .org <--remove

Alternatively, a credit card amount can be
called directly in to the Beebe Veterinary Clinic. Please ask for Tammy and tell her you wish to pledge medical
funds for Beebe AC's Toiva when calling the clinic.

*Please be sure to
e-mail: (at to confirm you have

(Ygroup Cross-post readers
---->joy @ ruraldogs .org <--remove spaces)

Thank you for your support. We think
Toiva deserves a chance at a better life, and hope you will agree by
supporting this post.


Joy E.

Journalism Teacher & Web

Dog Rescue Facilitator for
Beebe AC


(Formerly humane_teens @

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