We have several dogs that have been in rescue for a year (or close to).
They each have their own story and unique needs. They are safe with New Hope Cattle Dogs in AZ, but really, really need their forever home. Zip is most in need:

Here is Zip's story. Zip came to us in Nov. of 06 after he was turned into a local emergency hospital. He has a lame foot that limits his movement from a previous injury that was not ever treated. Apparently, he had been thrown from a moving car when he was 3-4 months old and his rescuers never did anything to fix his foot, but instead turned around and turned him in 3 months later. We have had him checked out at several vets and it has been determined that he should have a $2200 surgery to attempt to fix his foot. Basically the vet thinks that the lameness appears to be coming from soft tissue damage where the ligaments/tendons were torn at the metacarpus joint and has frozen that joint into permanent hyperextension.It is unclear whether or not it can be fixed or not and with therapy following treatment will result in a vet bill of $3000. He seems to tire out on the leg if he is very active, but otherwise does just fine on it.

When he got to us, we found out he was also deaf. He is a VERY ACTIVE boy that desperately needs a J-O-B! He knows several hand signals and is very good in the house and in his crate. He is dog door trained, good w/ dogs, although does like to fancy himself as alpha dog. He LOVES to play with other dogs, but at his foster home now, the other dogs don't play with him much. His owner has a debilitating illness that causes her to need to sleep a lot. She is unable to provide him the exercise and stimulation that he needs and as a result he is acting up in the household. She is one of my long term fosters and has always been great with deaf dogs and dominant dogs, but is having a harder time lately. She really needs an easier dog, but is not willing to give up on Zip which I admire greatly.

He really needs more right now and is becoming sexually mature and testing the boundaries more and more. If he was able to get out and run and play, this would be hardly an issue. Is there anyone out there that can help us by providing a forever home or a long term foster home for Zip?
He really is a FABULOUS dog with typical ACD behaviors that can be fixed. If we can find a long term foster home, we will do the necessary fundraising to try and fix his foot and give him a second chance. At this point, we will consider foster homes in or out of AZ and will reduce his adoption fee by 50-75% for the right home.
If you would like to make a donation to Zip's cause, please go here: http://www.firstgiving.com/nhcd_zip
If you would like to foster Zip, please fill out a foster application at http://www.newhopecattledogs.com/fosterform.htm
If you would like to adopt Zip, please fill out an application at http://www.newhopecattledogs.com/adoption_form.htm
Shannon Stevens
President and Founder
a 501 (c) 3 AZ Non-profit Corp, Tax ID# 86-1036522
shannon@ newhopecattledogs.com
Posted by: NgaBeck@ yahoo.com, transport coordinator