Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Family moving FRIDAY! BLIND 9 YR old SPAYED poodle/tzu needs home; photos attached,

PLEASE CROSS POST - This little BLIND girl _MUST _be gone by Saturday
morning!!! They are moving to Florida and can't take her!

Blind dogs see with their heart....

Maggie did have a rescue but it fell through and now she has no where to go
and only a few days to find a rescue or a new home. She MUST be out by
August 31st!! Maggie has become accustomed to her blindness and gets
around well. Blindness is not the tragedy for dogs that it is for humans.
She will just need some orientation to her new home, some assistance
getting in and out to potty until she learns the route and some
understanding since she has to live in a new place and it will be strange
to her. The Blind Dogs Group at Yahoo is _very _supportive and can help
with questions and problems.

*Contact: (
*Cell phone (203) 414-3588*

I need to place my Maggie by Friday August 31st. We thought had found a
home, but it fell through.
Maggie is a loving dog and she gets around even though she is blind. She
was diagnosed a few years ago, and there was nothing to do for her
blindness. She is blind from PRA Progressive Retinal Atrophy, a painless
gradual blindness that is untreatable. There will be _*no *_expensive eye
vet charges -- she isn't in pain and needs no special care.


Birthdate 1/26/98 9 years old
She is up to date on her shots and spayed
She is housebroken
She is blind
She weights about 13 lbs.
She is a black and white mixed Poodle/Chihuahua (Shih tzu more likely)
She gets along with other dogs and cats

I have attached a recent photo of Maggie.

I hope you can help me with her placement.


Bill Athan

I cannot see you Mommy, when you cuddle me so near.
And yet I know you love me, it's in the words I hear.
I cannot see you Daddy, when you hold me by your side
But still I know you love me when you tell me so with pride.
I cannot see to run and play out in the sun so bright
For here inside my tiny head it's always dark as night.
I cannot see the treats you give when I am extra good
But I can wag my tail in Thanks just like a good dog should.
"She cannot see. The dogs no good" is what some folks might say
"She can't be trained, she'll never learn She must be put away."
But not you, Mom and Daddy You know that it's alright
Because I love you just as much as any dog with sight.
You took me in, you gave me love and we will never part
Because I'm blind with just my eyes, I see you in my heart.*

*/Sherrill Wardrip (Blind Dogs List member)

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