My 4.5 year old corgi had a severe back issue last December, after all the tests came back negative, the vet and neurologist decided to wait and see if the problem comes back again. In the meantime his two illnesses were 25% of my unemployment income last year and now he can not get his vaccinations this year because the vets do not know if his issue was autoimmune or back related. I need help with these tests to see if his immunity for overdue rabies is high enough to skip this shot and the others he is coming due for. The vets are afraid to give these shots not knowing if his issue was autoimmune related. If this condition comes back his expenses will be probably thousand of dollars and I do not have the money, but love my dog with all my heart and soul and would give my life for him to be alive and healthy. Any help u can give would be appreciated.
My vet is Dr. LeVeque @ D'Adamo Veterinary, 30000 Joy Rd., Livonia, mi 48150, 734-421-1800.

My vet is Dr. LeVeque @ D'Adamo Veterinary, 30000 Joy Rd., Livonia, mi 48150, 734-421-1800.