Daniel is at the McClean County Animal Shelter in Calhoun, KY.
A sad case at the shelter...Daniel. Daniel's story with animal control starts approximately a year ago. Last summer I received a call about a pack of dogs at a house in a small community in the county. In the pack of dogs was a beautiful blue eyed coonhound mix. This boy who I have named "Daniel" was among the smartest and quick witted boys in the pack. As the other members of the pack were trapped or captured one by one, Daniel always figured a way to outsmart me.
Over the last year I have been told many stories about Daniel. Residents in the small community report Daniel has been around for many years...up to 4-5 years. Not one person ever told me where they thought he belonged or knew anything about his history.
Stories were told of how Daniel sits on the street corners and wanders from yard to yard searching for scraps or kibble belonging to owned dogs. Stories were told of how people would chase him off time after time often sending their kids on bikes to chase him away. Daniel always came back. Stories were told of how Daniel would come back and sit across the street or at the edge of the yards and watch people play with their own dogs. Stories were told about citizens that have tried to catch him and some that stated they have tried to kill him using poison...some said they have shot at him. Stories were also told by kind citizens that tried to win his trust to make friends with him to take him in and give him a home or help. Stories were told about how Daniel has been seen wandering all over the town even into parts of the county far away.
Our county ordinance clears states that any dog that is at large that cannot be trapped or captured humanely, has to be destroyed by gunshot. I was determined not to have this dog destroyed. Finally on Saturday we along with several local citizens were able to dart Daniel and trail him. Of course Daniel didn't give up. Running to some familiar place that he might have called "home" Daniel was spotted and picked up. On Sunday morning after the drugs have worn off Daniel was not a happy camper. Daniel growled harshly to let us know he was not happy with his predicament. We were at first very concerned about his future since he has been basically a feral dog for many years. We wondered if he could ever learn to trust the very thing he feared most..people. We had a small very small break through on Sunday afternoon. We realized that Daniel was bluffing. Calling him on his bluff I entered his kennel to take pictures, change his water, give him more food and take pictures. As I was milling about and speaking to him softly he gently wagged his tail ever so slightly several times. When I "got" him doing this he stopped and looked at me as to say... "I wasn't wagging my tail..me...not me". I think that with time he might learn to trust people that treat him kindly and with respect.
Daniel appears to be about 6-7 years old...just a wild guess. His teeth are in pretty good shape. He is about 45 pound, but needs to gain weight of course. He appears that he is a Walker Coonhound mix. He has very beautiful blue eyes. Daniel also has a cyst on his neck. It is not hard or attached to the muscle. It feels like fluid filled sack. Local citizens have reported that every since he has been around he has had the cyst. Daniel needs to be seen by a vet and desperately needs a place to go.
**If anyone can help with Daniel please email: ranash9@aol.com (@aol.com), or call: 270- 273-3521 (anytime), or: 270- 316- 8127 (daytime). He just needs a chance. Daniel is a survivor, and this needs to be the last battle in his life.. a fight for a real life.
**Please contact ashley at: ranash9@aol.com (@aol.com) (at aol.com).