Reply to: (at
Date: 2007-09-19, 10:21AM EDT
Please don't flag this, have a heart.......
Recently I posted the information below on Craigslist. Some people were kind and wished us good luck, some suggested organizations that help out, I contacted every single one but they were all out of funds. Some others suggested I look into Credit Care which I did but I'd have to pay an additional $2,000-$2,500 in interest above the initial $7,000 for the surgery and I can't do that, I'm not working and I'm dealing with some medical issues of my own but the rest were EXTREMELY CRUEL telling me that I shouldn't have a dog if I can't afford it.
I saved my little guy when he was 5 ½ months old. I didn't know that when I saved the little guy he had a UTI and Ear Infection but that didn't matter off he went to the vet immediately.
Between then and now he had another UTI (I think the original one didn't completely go away) numerous ear infections (cocker's are apparently prone) and he suffers from allergies and has had all kinds of tests thru an allergy specialist.
His food has been changed 8/9 times including prescription foods and me cooking for him and he's been on at least a dozen different meds, I also had him fixed.
All this in less than 2 years totaling over $2,500. I scrambled to get the money, even went and got him pet insurance of which I got back only $68 towards the bills.
Now before he turned 2 ½ he lost his sight and I was told the surgery and meds would be another $7,000+, that's approximately $10,000 in less than 2 years which is a enormous amount even to those who have money, and oh yes his insurance people tell me they're not covering it, so what good are they.
Could anyone afford this easily, does anyone expect that when they save a dog or cat they're going to have to lay out $10,000 in less than 2 years?
So why when I had to swallow my pride and ask for help which believe me isn't easy, why would people have to be so CRUEL and write me nasty emails?
If you can't help than just ignore my plea but don't add to my pain with nasty messages, or telling me I shouldn't have my little guy, or to dump him.
He's my little boy, I love him like crazy, he has a long life ahead of him and he deserves to enjoy life and see the world around him even if there are some very mean people in it.
I'm sorry for venting but it's beyond me how some people could be so cruel when they know someone is in so much pain.
If anyone out there can help please read the information below no money comes to me directly it goes into his account at
410 W.55 St., New York, NY 10019 Attn: Dave Gersholowitz for PUPPALICIOUS WEIR #5848.
Thank you all for your patience.

Hi my name is "PUPPALICIOUS" I'm almost 2 1/2 years old.
For all of you who know me you know that aside from walking down the street talking to everyone, my favorite things to do are running with my friends, chasing after balls faster than my mommy can throw them and finding balls behind fences, in the mud, behind car wheels, in the snow, just anywhere and insisting mommy lets me bring them home.
I can't do that anymore, I lost my sight literally overnight in a 24-36 hour span, I went blind.
I can't run with my friends and I miss them so much I can barely walk down the street without scaring myself and banging into a tree or pole. I'm trying to keep my spirits up but mommy is really sad for me.
The doctors say they can perform surgery on both my eyes and there's a very good chance I'll get 90%+ back but there's a catch it's going to cost $7,000 plus follow-ups and mommy doesn't have that money with taking care of me and my two sisters and my brother.
People always tell mom that I'm a handsome little guy and I thought that maybe there might be some kind people out there who could help a little and take some pressure off of mom.
If you can there's a little fund for me at NYC Veterinary Specialists & Cancer Treatment Center, 410 West 55th St., New York, New York 10019.
Checks can be made out to NYC VETERINARY SPECIALISTS CENTER, mark the check for PUPPALICIOUS WEIR #5848. Put Attention to: Dave Gersholowitz on the envelope. Every penny counts so let me just say,
May God Bless you and your little ones.