Friday, March 05, 2010

Browndog Needs Some Medical Testing

I need help paying for tests for my 9-year old dog. Her name is Browndog. I have had her since she was 6 weeks old. Early part of Dec, 2009 she started loosing the ability to walk on her hind legs.

She has undergone tests and been seen by a neurologist, Before the neurologist examined Browndog they thought it was her knees and they were going to do surgery. We were referred to the surgeon and he said it was not her knees but her spinal cord. She has been on steroyds and pain medications.

The neurologist localized her problem to the middle of her spinal cord. Said is could be from protruding disk, degenerative problem or a mass. But to conclude the exact problem they need to do an abdominal ultrasound, thoracic raadiographs and an MRI. We have already spent our savings treating her to date. We are broke and these tests are going to cost aprox $3,000.00. We just don't know what to do, we don't want to put her to sleep. But do not want to see her in pain either.

If anyone has suggestion, please let us know.

Thank you in advance for any advise you may provide

Jennifer Eynon

Browndogs Veterinary info is below.  All images are clickable for larger view

Monday, March 01, 2010

Handipets Kennel Rebuild FundRaiser

First we wish to thank Lisanne Walke of Rockin' & Ridin' for Autism for assisting us in this fundraiser.  They created this awesome flier for us and are helping us promote this fundraiser in hopes that we can get our "Crippled Critters" into a larger, safe, private, community accepted, stockade kennel with feline containment netting.

Dixie Thunder of Aiken County SC helped us raise funds to build a small lumber and wire mesh kennel for our special critters.  Unfortunately weather and outside animals trying to get in took it's toll on the kennel through 2009 and the 2010 South Carolina snowstorm finally destroyed it.  We are spending precious funds on temporary patchups of a collapsing kennel when what we need is to build a new one.  We can't keep patching the existing one AND buy new fence panels at the same time.  This is where we need help.  We can keep patching the existing damaged kennel as long as someone is willing to help us buy new fence panels.  Once we have all the fence panels we need we can begin erect the new fence, tear down the remains of the old one and recycle whatever we can to finish off the new one.

We run our kennel purely out of pocket and with the annual Crippled Critter Benefit Events held by Dixie Thunder.  This alone helps us care for the animals, providing them high quality grain/gluten free commercial foods such as
Taste of the Wild Roasted Venison and Smoked Salmon
dry food,
Dick Van Patten's  Natural Balance® L.I.D. Limited Ingredient Diets® Venison & Green Pea Canned Formula,
Honest Kitchen
dehydrated raw food for cats as well as raw foods a diet known as BARF

We also use botanical and holistic care and buy items locally at Aiken County's Herb Store

How you can help

We can accept gift cards for Superpetz as this is the only local store that sells the dry and canned foods we feed our crew.  Helping us with animal food helps us put our funds toward fence panels.

We can accept gift cards for Home Depot which has the lowest price stockade fence panels in our area and they have an E-Gift card program.

We can accept gift cards for The Tractor Supply Company which has the right size wire mesh at the lowest cost in our area.

We can pick up items purchased if you wish to just purchase one or more of the items we need and let the store know Amy Hawkinson will pick up.

The Store addresses are:
Home Depot
Aiken #1117

1785 Whiskey Road
Aiken, SC 29803

1589 Whiskey Road
Aiken, SC 29803

Tractor Supply Company

(803) 648-4449

Finally we are accepting Credit/Debit/Paypal donations here:

Please Visit Us!

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