you for reading our story. Kimba aka "the white lion" is a 1-year-young
lovable lap cat that my best friend rescued after he had been abused
and abandoned. Recently she returned home from work and found him
laying on the floor crying in pain. He couldn't move without crying.
She rushed him to the animal hospital and After several trips to the
Vet since then and many dollars later, we found out that he has 2
broken legs/joints at the area of his hips. They said judging by the
deterioration of the bones and the loose fragments of the bones (which
is what's causing him the pain), the injuries are old and are likely
from the abuse he suffered. The Vet has given him clearance of making a
full recovery with surgery to remove the broken bones and fragments.
Doing this will allow his muscles to take over for him to still be able
to use his legs, as they have already started to do so. My friend has
already spent alot of money on tests and xrays to find out what was
wrong with him and now she is told that the surgery will be another
$2500. Kimba is running out of time because he can only stay on pain
meds for so long and now her resources have run out as well. Her
personal finances have fallen behind because she is sooo very dedicated
to Kimba and the most UN-selfish woman I've ever met. She has done
everything she can to keep him comfortable and happy during this time.
I've never seen such a bond between two friends as I've seen between
her and Kimba.
Kimba has an adorable personality of a kitten. He's sooo playful
and loving. He is still full of life and has so much love to give. But
time is running out. His appetite has started to decrease from being on
the pain meds. The vet says he can't stay on them much longer because
they can give him stomach problems and we're afraid that's starting to
happen so time is of the essence. If Kimba doesn't get his surgery
soon, life will cease for him and my friend will have to lay him to
rest.... which is what she is trying to avoid having to do.Especially
since he's still so young and vibrant. Maybe you've had to face the
pain of not being able to save a pet of your own and you know what
she's feeling....so maybe you can help save Kimba and feel the warmth
in your heart that he shares with everyone. Please help keep that
warmth going and pitch in just that little bit to help save him from
crossing Rainbow Bridge. If you've lost a pet, I'm sure you know the
bridge I'm talking about. It's way too soon for him to walk that path
so please help.
Please ask yourself...What would you feel like if you had a pet
that could be healed and saved, but you didn't have enough money to do
it? I'm sure at some point in each of our lives...we've all had someone
there that came into our lives and helped. Maybe this is a way for each
of us to pay it forward...by giving this lovable and adorable family
member the gift of living out his full life and to be healthy and play
normal again.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If my friend comes up with at least half of the
$2500 for the surgery, the vet will allow her to make monthly payments
on the rest. This is why I've set the limit for less then full amount.
However, please remember, we can all continue to donate
even after she hits this llimit and the more help she receives for Kimba, the easier it will be for the two of them.
Thank you and Bless you all.
If you wish to verify Kimba's surgery you can contact:
Belleview Veterinary Hospital
10725 SE 36th Ave
Belleview, Florida 34420
Ph: 352-347-3900
Fax: 352-347-0477
Office Mgr: Amanda
Vet: Dr. Cara
Patient: Kimba Karaffa
Patients Mom: Sherri Karaffa
If you have any questions or would like to send direct wishes of encouragement, you can email my friend at:
If you can help please visit: http://www.fundable.com/groupactions/groupaction.2009-01-08.8450790104