I need help paying for tests for my 9-year old dog. Her name is Browndog. I have had her since she was 6 weeks old. Early part of Dec, 2009 she started loosing the ability to walk on her hind legs.
She has undergone tests and been seen by a neurologist, Before the neurologist examined Browndog they thought it was her knees and they were going to do surgery. We were referred to the surgeon and he said it was not her knees but her spinal cord. She has been on steroyds and pain medications.
The neurologist localized her problem to the middle of her spinal cord. Said is could be from protruding disk, degenerative problem or a mass. But to conclude the exact problem they need to do an abdominal ultrasound, thoracic raadiographs and an MRI. We have already spent our savings treating her to date. We are broke and these tests are going to cost aprox $3,000.00. We just don't know what to do, we don't want to put her to sleep. But do not want to see her in pain either.
If anyone has suggestion, please let us know.
Thank you in advance for any advise you may provide
Jennifer Eynon
Browndogs Veterinary info is below. All images are clickable for larger view

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