away? They were strays that he nursed back to health.
He has a very ill brother coming to live with him and the cats would
aggravate the brother's health problems. He only has a couple of days
to find a place for them. He has tried in the past to find homes for
them, but now he is really pressed for time to do so.
---- Debra Van Matre
Marshall Banks <
Debra, thanks for your response. my brother is coming
here sometime in the next 10 days. Your list is
overwhelming. I have contacted many on the first two
pages at least once in the past year. Some I left
messages and they never called back. One had a message
not to ask about leaving a cat. Many said they had all
the cats they could care for, like your situation right
now. I have left adoption notes at about 4 vets offices.
my vet has asked several agencies for me. Part of my
problem is I work about 90 hours per week. I just got in
at 4:30 AM this morning and I'm leaving in about 30
minutes and will be gone until about 3 AM tomorrow.
My intent with these cats when my son first found them
was to get them healthy and then find a nice home for
them. I have been "fostering" them for two years. I am
not even a cat person obviously because of my life-long
allergies to them. I really like them but simply can no
longer keep them.
I am so serious about my brother's health and preventing
him from sneezing, I am having 2700 sq.ft. of wall to
wall carpet ripped out Monday and ceramic tile
installed. But, to keep the cats even after the carpet
is gone would severely defeat the purpose of removing
the carpet in the first place. Bottom line, my brother's
health means too much to me to see it jeopardized by
keeping the cats no matter how much I like them. I have
always had the option of the SPCA, and they told me
right up front they would put the cats to sleep within
24 hours of being dropped off because no one visiting
them would be willing to adopt an adult male cat with
either a hearing or vision problem.
We all have to go to that "litter box in the sky". I
have done my best to place them but just can't devote
the energy most people could because I work so much. I
will pay dearly to see them placed in a loving home, but
I can't wait too much longer. Thanks, Marshall Banks
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