Thursday, November 08, 2007

Wooster Ohio - Dog with large tumor by tail needs donations for medical care

Here is the corrospondance so far:


My PHone is 330-262-9237

330-317-6978 (cell)

Veterinary Info:

Sandy Cleary

c/o Cleveland Road Animal Hospital

2752 Cleveland Rd

Wooster, Ohio 44691


Sandy Cleary submitted the following Information:  

Location Wooster, Ohio

Comments I am on VA disability. My dog has a large tumor that is growing. He will need surgery,
x rays and blood test. I need financial help. Sandy Cleary 330-317-6978 330-262-9237

My dog's name is Prince. We are in Wooster, OHioThe balance is $580. He
has a big tumor in the back by the tail. He needs a blood test, x rays,
thyroid test. He needs a bioposy to find out if it is cancer for
sure.Right now he is on pregnozone to try and shrink it until I can
come up with the money for surgery.

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