Friday, August 17, 2007

Blanchland, WV Blind Cocker boy in WV needs rescue ASAP

I desperately need to find a rescue group.  Someone has "dropped" a cocker spaniel at my home and I need help.  He is an older adult male.  He appears to be going blind if not completely blind already.  He seems to be a good natured dog so I think the vision issue is the reason why he was abandoned.  I frequently care for homeless dogs but I do not have the funds to help care for this little guy as I just spent $1,000.00 on surgery to remove a cancerous insulinoma from my Italian greyhound.  I have four dogs and I also have five young children so I honestly don't think my home is the best environment for a blinding dog.  /SPAN>We are located in Branchland, WV (about 1 hour outside of Charleston, WV).  If you can help us or know of any one who can please let me know.

Thank you,

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