This 5 month old ACD was found, in the woods, near my home, by some "Spring turkey hunters".
They brought her to local dog control. At that time she could not stand and could barely breathe. Dog Control took her to the Vet,where hope was all but lost. The Vet said her chances were, "slim to none".
This baby had what appeared to be a hematoma on her chest and a serious wound on her hind quarters. Her breathing was raspy and labored. She was near DEATH and no hope for her surviving the night was given. The vet put her on IV fluids and antibiotics, in an INCUBATER, (with oxygen), still,without hope.
However, this morning, she was still alive !! The Vet did some Xrays(without anesthisia,as THAT would have killed her) and found that this baby has two broken ribs,a punctured lung and her stomach is full of gravel and dirt.
We all know that Dog Control(township) "politics"(State mandates) will NOT pay to save this baby girl. However,the Dog Control Officer, that took this baby in, would desperately love to save her life.(but has NO funds to do so)
To IMAGINE what this poor baby has been through in her short life, terrifies even ME!! The hematoma on her chest, is AIR, escaping out of her punctured lung, into her skin. Vet said he had NEVER seen anything like it. The wound on her hindquarters is a BITE wound, where "something in the woods" tried to eat her.(thinking she was already dead).....
Right now,after 24 hours, the Vet has HOPE....prognosis is GOOD....for her to heal. BUT...... The local township will NOT pay for the "life-saving" procedures that are needed for this baby to ever "see" a better life than she has had. They would "opt" to have her PTS.
I have a local foster who can take her,once she is able to leave the Vet Hospital..... BUT, until then, she NEEDS $$ for her survival.
Pay Pal to: (
memo: for Misty
*Donations can also be sent to Catahoula Rescue, Inc. NE, with memo for Misty, and mailed to:
Thea Kinderman/CRI Northeast
183 Rear Gordon Avenue
Carbondale, PA. 18407
Thank you, in advance, Rescue Angels.
This baby breaks my heart. I named her Misty....through the tears in my eyes as I looked at her.
Tina Wright
CRI-North east
regional coordinator
Tina D. Wright
Catahoula Rescue North East
regional coordinator (at
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