Monday, March 12, 2007

Adorable 1 year old Dachshund X with healed broken foot South Los Angeles Shelter

Impound:A858955 S.L.A. shelter phone:(213)485-0119 or 0117

This sweet, young Dachshund X has a front foot that was severely broken and went untreated until it healed. It is now longer than the other foot. Some might turn away from this because she is not "perfect" but some might be drawn to the fact that this dog, just one year old, has suffered so much in her short life and might want to see that she never suffers again.
It is to those people that I write this; she is such an adorable young dog. She has these gentle brown eyes that want to please so much; she loved the little treats I gave her and she took them so daintily from my hand. She had the most beautiful, perfect little face and we all laughed when she poked her head out of her cage and turned to look at the dog in the cage next to her.
She is just a baby still and so helpless. Please rescue her and make sure she gets the forever home she so deserves.

"If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience."

-Woodrow Wilson-

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