Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Cranston RI : Two kittens with missing feet need homes

This was written to Handipets through MySpace,  Keep an eye on Handipets MySpace as Erin has commented there and may keep updating.
Hello,  I thought this would be the best site to come to.  I have 2 handicapped kittens of my own.  They are disabled because when they were born there umbilical cord was wrapped around their back feet so now they are unable to use them.  There is one kitten with 2 feet and one kitten with 3 feet
I have taken both of them to the vet several times and they are fine.  I can't find homes for them because people don't want the responsibility.  I would take them myself but I have 4 cats and a dog of my own and this is not an easy task.  If you know of anyone or anywhere I can call please help me.  I refuse to take them to a shelter because of how much I love them.  Please if you know anyone let me know.  I have pictures of them if you would like to see.  Most adorable things I've ever seen.
Through conversation with Erin Handipets received more information:
 i am in cranston rhode island and id be willing to travel a couple miles depending ... there feet are stumped ... they fell off but they still have legs.. they are learning to walk on i will send u a picture... actually they are on my pics on my myspace if youd like to see. my email is emrinaldo@CCRI.EDU they are still feeding from the mother so id give it maybe 2 more weeks until they are ready. my number is 401 270-2726. when taking them to the vet she told me that they would have to be indoor cats with rugs. Becuase of the stub feet rubbing on the ground they do not have sickness at all. so hopefully you can help me and find a family.

thank you

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