Sunday, June 10, 2007

BLIND Chocolate Point Siamese DUMPED (Long Island, NY)


**CONTACT PAT at:   (,
or call: 516-606-8855

There's a woman in Island Park, NY, who feeds a few feral cats on a corner in a residential area, and gets alot of slack from the residents.  I see the cats from time to time, but more recently have seen a Chocolate Point Siamese.  I don't usually stop because of the conflict with the neighbors but the other day the Siamese was hanging around allot.  I stopped, grabbed some food, and he/she was quite receptive to my advances although I thought the advances were more by sound and smell rather than sight.  Once he/she came over, I thought I saw hollow eyes.  Thinking, well Siamese have those crystal blue eyes that in certain light may look blank, I wasn't convinced and started making inquiries.  After several phone calls I found someone that knows Marge, the caretaker who by the way is an elderly woman with health issues. 

Now I haven't spoken directly with Marge yet, but they informed me that yes, the cat is blind.  Totally blind?  I don't know but if someone can take this baby off the street, that would be a blessing.  They're talking about moving the feeding across the street too which could be a death sentence.  It's not a busy street but nonetheless, this blind or partly blind cat will have to make his/her way across the street without incident to eat.

**CONTACT PAT at:  (at,
or call: 516-606-8855.**

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