Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Urgent!! CA Young, loving crippled POM in cart, caretaker wants to euth! HELP!

Please read Julie's plea for help for poor Scooter, a little Pom who is starting to regain use of his legs. His caretaker does not want to deal with Scooter anymore and is threatening to euthanize him. He needs a rescue and/or foster home ASAP.

Contact Julie at 661-313-5193 or email her at if you can help.
(Julie is NOT the caretaker, she is a cat rescuer trying to get help for Scooter)

From: "Julie Joseph" <>
Subject: Urgent Scooter the Crippled Pomeraninan NEEDS HELP!!
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 17:55:35 -0800

A lady I know picked up a dog on the side of the road she thought was
dead, only to her suprise he was still alive. She took him to the vet and
found out he had a broken back. She can't afford a specialist but has been
doing some homeopathic stuff and the dog is starting to use one of his back
legs now. The women is now mentally unstable and is threatening to euthanize
him because she can't deal with him anymore.

This is a little pomeranian mix, ver loving and sweet, and believe it
or not a happy little boy. Her worker made him a cart out of pieces of a
broken stroller, and he gets around, but it is breaking and could really
benifit from a real cart for dogs. The vet has seen and believes he will in
time regain the use of his legs and walk again. He is only 1-2 years old and
they named him scooter. If anyone knows any dog rescue people I can plead
with please let me know asap! She is very unstable so time is of the

Thanks, Julie 661-313-5193

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