Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Chihuahua in need of help!

My little 4 pound chihuahua is 2 years old and has seizures.
It has been controlled with medication but he went in for his bi yearly
Phenobarbital level check today and had complications. The vet could not
get him settled enough to draw his blood and gave him a light sedative
then a reverse to bring him out. I took him home but he slept for several
hours. Upon waking he could not stand on his front right leg. I called the
vet and they finally agreed to see him. I feared they hurt his tiny leg
trying to draw blood before the sedative. Needless to say they cant find
out whats wrong and are talking of a specialist. They are thinking either Hydrocephalus or Atlanto-Occitital Luxation. He needs to see a specialist immediately as he is in severe pain. I am a nursing student
who was working as a nurses aide but recently lost my job due to
downsizing. Im in the middle of a divorce and cannot afford all this extra
expense. My little boy is my heart and soul right now I desperately need
financial assistance. Thank you!!!

Elizabeth Warner
Findlay, Ohio 45840

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