Monday, September 10, 2007

Paralyzed Pregnant Cat needs HELP!!! IOWA County

Rinthea Satterlee
Safe Haven of Iowa County
Safe Haven of Iowa County is a limited admission facility based out
of the Williamsburg Iowa area. We are the only animal shelter in our
county. We are all volunteers and have no full time staff at the

We had a stray mother come in on Sept 7 who has no use of her back
legs and is due with kittens the last week of September based on x-
rays taken. She is incontinent and due to the paralysis will require
emergency C-Section. The X-rays revealed no injuries so it is hard
to know if she will ever get the use of her legs back.

We need help! We don't have full time staff and foster homes are
rare. We are looking for help from other people to ensure that she
is safe and can get the emergency care that she needs.

If you can help us place her in a foster home, animal sanctuary or
with fundraising efforts etc. Please contact me
Her medical bills have totalled over 1,000.00 so far and emergency C-
Section will be another 1,000.00 in addition to trying to build a
suitable area for her.

We really want to get her into a sanctuary environment with full
time staff so if you know of any resources for us PLEASE help us
save her!

Rinthea Satterlee
Safe Haven of Iowa County

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